October 2017: Rodney Smith Jr.

Rodney Smith Jr. challenged himself to cut 100 lawns for single moms and the elderly. His personal challenge soon became a calling. He launched Raising Men Lawn Care Service to teach boys and young men the values of hard work and helping their community. We were able to cath up with Rodney before he begins his tour for the holidays! Peep below for the exlcusive zinzabell.com interview and make sure to donate to Raising Men Lawn Care Service HERE!

1. First let’s start our introductions: Tell us who you are and where you are from!
My name is Rodney Smith Jr. I am from the island of Bermuda and I am currently getting my masters in social work at Alabama A&M, right here in Huntsville, AL . I came here to the USA in 2009 when I went to a technical college, then graduated in 2012 with a degree in information technology then went to Alabama A&M  and graduated in 2016 with a bachelors in computer science.  During this this time I found my true passion which was helping people that’s when I decided I wanted to get a masters in social work after I got my degree in computer science. 

2. What is the name of your movement/organization and How/why did you start it?
The name of my foundation is called Raising Men Lawn Care Service. One day I saw a elderly man outside mowing his lawn after I was coming from school one day, it looked like he was struggling so I pulled over and helped him out. After that I went home, and that night I came up with the idea of mowing lawns for free for the elderly, disabled, single moms and veterans here In Huntsville, AL where I was going college. At first my goal was to reach 40 lawns by the end of winter, I thought I could with me mowing in between classes. But I reached 40 lawns so fast, that I up my goal to 100 lawns and like a month and a half later, I reached my 100th lawn and that’s when the idea of RMLCS came about. But ill involve kids ages 7-17 showing them the importance of giving back to the community.

3. Can you say music has influenced you and/or kept you motivated through out your journey?Music has always been an influence in my life. I am also a producer. I haven’t made beats in some time due to me being so busy with my foundation but music is my first love. I love just listening to music while I’m out there mowing.

4. How can people help/donate to your cause?
Everyone please visit my website at weareraisingmen.com

5. What advice would you give to the someone that wants to be an entrepreneur or anyone with an idea?
I would encourage them to follow their heart and go with it. I believe ideas come to us for  a reason  and they come from God. It’s a reason you have that idea, if you don’t go through with it he will give it to someone else.

6. If you had to choose ONE word that describes you what would it be?

7. What has been your biggest accomplishment thus far?
I would say it would have to be receiving different awards and being featured in a few major magazines like peoples magazine and guide posts to name a few.

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