February 2017: Author Sulma Arzu-Brown

Happy Black History Month Creative$! What a perfect way to celebrate our month than with Creative; author of  Bad Hair Does Not Exist/Pelo Malo No Existe!  Sulma Arzu-Brown.  I have known Sulma since I was a little girl and she is nothing shy of BOSS. Super proud of all of her accomplishments especially with this book of empowerment.  You guys hear me talk a lot about making sure we do not forgot our mission in this world and we continue empowering the youth to GREATNESS.  We was able to catch Sulma for an exclusive Zinzabell.com Creative of the month interview.  Peep below for the interview! And make sure you purchase Sulma's latest book HERE!

1. When did you find out writing was your passion?

I still don't know that writing is my passion.  All I know that I was always able to express myself more effectively through it.  My dad would always tell me never to doubt the power of the mighty pen.  I think overall my passion has always been to stand on the side of justice especially for kids and women.  I love doing the right thing in the spirit of love for the greater good.

2. What hip hop artist did you listen to growing up?

I love EVE! You see it's important that women have a strong bond with each other.  There is something magical about women solidarity or how I like to say it "SoldiHerity.”  The song that stood out the most to me was "Love is Blind".  It  spoke about the bond she had with her best friend who was in a very abusive relationship.  Eve took me on her own journey and feelings looking from the outside in.  She expressed how powerless she felt. She expressed how that even though the abuse was directed toward her friend, Eve felt every blow.  It's like when you see your friend going down a wrong path and can't do anything about it.  It really hurts. It was moving when she ended the song by "I considered her my blood and it don't come no thicker"…  that is how I feel about my friends.

3. Do you have any rituals or something you do before you get into your creative space?

Yes, give it to God!! Seriously, I tried for so long going on my own and do things my way.  But when I realized that God's way is by far better, I surrendered.  Trust me when I tell you that it is still a battle with myself to surrender.  So this is a conscience and consistent practice.

4. How has it been being a female in your industry?  

Being a female in my industry has been one amazing ride. Women have opened their arms and resources to me.  I've experienced more camaraderie from Black and Latina moms, female millennial, women in business, and women on the grind. I've received so much love and support because we are all ready to have more representation in media, business, government etc.  And we all know it starts by putting empowering multicultural books such as Bad Hair Does Not Exist/Pelo Malo No Existe! early!  My books are as important as 123's and ABC's  because, with healthy self esteem everything is truly empowering. 

5. What is up next?  
A lot of speaking/engagement!!  I just became a registered vendor for the Dept. of Education, so now principles can have me come to their schools to deliver the message of inclusion and diversity.  We've also developed the No Pelo Malo App to pretty much bring the message of the book to life.  I'm looking for corporate partners to really take this global.

6. Where can people purchase your work?
People can purchase my work at www.nopelomalo.com. I need your help to become a #1 best seller.

7. What advice would you give young authors or any Creative following their dreams?My favorite quote is "just do it" by you know who lol. Bad Hair Does Not Exist/Pelo Malo Malo No Existe! was an ordained body of work written in 5 minutes.  I think everyone of us has an ordained body of work, in my case I just had let myself be used as God's instrument. Talents are not made to be hidden or slept on.

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